Listen To Chris’s Full Podcast Episode:
Chris grew up in a rough, poor part of town. Times were tough, he grew up with very little, and soon realized he didn’t want that lifestyle anymore.
In high school, he was The Man- hustling, selling whatever he could to friends. He sold gum, candy, mix tapes, anything to make a buck.
Out of high school, he enjoyed playing football for Virginia University. He couldn’t go pro, but one thing he knew he wanted: The Lifestyle. He took the plunge and became an entrepreneur.
He and his stepfather, a mechanic, started selling used cars right off the front yard.
They’d scour the used car auctions, buy a car for $500 bucks or so, put in a few repairs, clean it up nicely, and resell for a profit.
That’s when Chris learned the power of good marketing. He found success with exceeding customer expectations; treating customers well, and being appreciative.
He learned he couldn’t just “build it and they would come”. He had to consistently deliver as much value as he could.
His success grew, and Chris was able to retire his mom from her job; to this day, his proudest achievement.
He is happy and grateful to attribute his success to God and to the Golden Rule; treating others as you would like to be treated.
His best advice to business owners and entrepreneurs: Be the guy who shows up and adds trusted advice or value. Be the guy people trust and come to for referrals, because they know you are going to be a straight shooter and try your best to serve them, and give them the best deal possible, even if the deal is with someone else.
It is important for a business to have standard operating procedures so that people aren’t guessing. Keep it as simple as possible. People should know what to expect from you. Be consistent. Go above and beyond.
It’s that “2 mm shift” that Tony Robbins talks about. That little, little shift in this or that direction, which opens massive opportunity for your business.

Chris and others have given away, in conjunction with The Village Of Faith Church, almost 100 cars.
In the early 2000’s, Chris was approached by a church with a request to repair cars so the church could give them to single moms in the congregation. This grabbed his attention. A church looking to “give away” cars? Crazy…
Chris was raised by a tough, immigrant, single mother, who worked 80 hours per week, so he was impressed with the giving nature of this ministry.
Fast forward to today, Chris and others have given away, in conjunction with The Village Of Faith Church, almost 100 cars. One hundred changed lives. It’s an instant blessing, and Chris was thrilled to be a part of blessing others.
Chris loves to make an impact. He loves to help people. He is the person who is going to uplift, to inspire, to help people.
Chris admits he was not a generous, considerate guy as a teen. He relates a huge turning point in his life: When he was a teen, he worked part-time at the Hardy’s where his mom worked 80+ hours. One day he worked a double-shift, and went home with excruciating leg pain. It brought tears to his eyes.
He realized–My mom does this 7 days a week! He decided at that moment to be a better son, and retire his mom asap from ever working again.
How did he grow his business so big? Just helping others. Teaching other businesses, car dealerships, etc., how to take action, boost their brand awareness, and discover what lights their fire. And always look for opportunities to help another.
People need help today. People need help, even if it’s just an encouraging word. So we need to do our part as God’s Lightworkers to go out there and do the best we can to help people.