Even if you have the most enticing offers out there right now, you may still be unable to grow your business because of poor marketing strategies and processes. For most entrepreneurs, not knowing where to start hinders them from taking a huge step forward. Curtis Lewsey aims to solve this challenge once and for all by sitting down with business and life strategist Lisa Lieberman-Wang. She presents her comprehensive seven-point approach to help you run and actually achieve success in your business venture without having to sacrifice a lot of resources on your end. From starting to measure results and modeling success to delegating work, Lisa dissects the most important yet not fully utilized points of business management.
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How To Grow Your Business With Just 7 Simple Steps With Lisa Lieberman-Wang
We have an amazing guest, Lisa Lieberman-Wang. She is a number one bestselling author and a licensed Master NLP practitioner. She helps you break through barriers that weigh you down by turning obstacles into gifts. That is amazing. She has written books, as well as a trainer helping people breakthrough. We’re going to talk about the Seven Secrets to Building Your Business In Today’s Economy, crazy times that we live in right now. Before we do that, I’d love for you to share your backstory and what you’ve done up to this point.
Thank you, Curtis. As a business and life strategist, I’ve been helping people build themselves and build their business for decades. We’re coming on three decades, which totally surprises me, but it’s true. It started out of my own personal journey. My number one bestselling book is called FINE to FAB. It’s how I used to feel, which was f-ed up, insecure, neurotic and emotional. I wanted to be fabulous, awesome, beautiful. I was helping successful women stop hurting themselves and overcome self-sabotage. I then realized that I had all these men reading the book and they started writing. Raymond Aaron, New York Times bestselling author, wrote the foreword. Other people are saying, “This is supposed to be for women, but not just women need these. Men need this too.”
I understand and my theory was if I help enough women, I will help the men because their life will be even better. It got even further. Men came on board and I had to change my whole branding and theme. I was like, “I help men and women. I help humans.” That was a big deal and where it came for me was, I’ve been building myself and business for decades. I found that a lot of people were working hard, had great aspirations, wanted to do better in their life, but they would get all the tactics. They didn’t realize that 80% is psychology and 20% is tactics. We got all the things in systems, “This is what I need to do,” but then they were personally becoming their own barriers for success. We needed to help them.
What led you into this walk of life? How did you end up here?
In the school of hard knocks, things don’t happen to us but for us. I had worked at Corporate America. I worked for companies like IBM and MCI. I was the top 2% in the world for MCI in their sales. I did millions of dollars in revenue per year for them many years ago. In my career, I’ve done over $60 million in personal sales. I have one organization. My business has done over $100 million in sales with the team. I’ve been leading these people for decades. What I found is I’ve been wonderful in marketing and sales. That’s what I went to school for. That’s what I was good at. I found that everybody else was.
Even at MCI, they wanted to hire me. I was at quota. My quota was only $2 million. I was 400% of goals. I was doing $8 million. I do that by the first week of the month. They’d be like, “How are you doing this?” I’m thinking, “This is super easy. What do you mean how am I doing this?” What I found is that people weren’t doing what I was doing. They wanted to transition me to train the entire East Coast on how I was producing these numbers and what I needed to do. Similar to what you do with referral marketing, Curtis, one of the things that I was good at is making friends for a living. That’s what I did. If you asked me what I do, I’d say, “I make friends for a living, but I’m not a prostitute.” I make friends, but not that kind of friend.
How it ended up happening is I burned out from Corporate America. I ended up in the hospital, not once, not twice, but 6 times in over 13 years. No matter how successful I was, I kept burning out and I realized that there had to be a shift. When I realized it’s not the tactics, it’s the mindset. I did it for myself and have 27 years of not burning out and doing that to myself and had amazing success. I said, “I’m not an anomaly.” Although I wanted to be terminally unique, there are other people that had challenges too, and they didn’t have anybody who walked the walk and talked the talk.
[bctt tweet=”Never assume somebody will be stuck in their current situation all the time.” username=””]
I ended up being part of the Tony Robbins community because a very dear friend knew what I was doing. Unlike other people, everybody deals with stress differently. In my case, I dealt with stress with food and I ended up with an eating disorder for thirteen years. I was a compulsive over-eater, binge eater, and bulimic. I was having unbelievable challenges. I would pass out and all this other stuff because of the food comas I ended up in. It turned out that I have 27 years of not hurting myself. I thought I was unique until I found other people did the same thing.
Tony Robbins helped me many years ago. I became a disciple. I started volunteering. I went through every program he offered. I ended up becoming a Platinum Partner of his, where he mentors a select group of people. You’re investing and traveling around the world with him, and all of his mentors as well. I then became a trainer. I’ve been with him and helping people and giving back. I made a decision. He helped me. I was going to help others. We do that as part of our contribution and giving back to the world. I feel blessed that I get to help people change themselves, their lives, business, homes, and everything else.
Is that where your introduction to the NLP world was through him?
What happened is when I started working with Tony, I had made a decision that everyone he ever mentioned in the footnotes of his book, if they were still alive, I needed to learn from them. It went from the gamut of Jim Rohn to Deepak Chopra, Jay Abraham, Keith Cunningham, Alison Armstrong, Barbara De Angelis, Dr. Bandler and Dr. Grinder are the creators of NLP. When I heard that they were still alive, I said, “I need to learn from them.” I became a licensed Master NLP practitioner and trainer learning from Dr. Bandler, Dr. Grinder, and Robert Dilts. I wanted to be trained by the best of the best. I did that in all areas of my career, following Tony, even down to Byron Katie and Alison Armstrong. I went to everyone’s program and invested $1.3 million in 27 years learning.
For the readers that are not familiar with NLP, do you mind sharing?
NLP is Neuro-Linguistic Programming. What it is, is if we can program a computer to do what people can do, we can program our mind to do what other people are doing successfully in certain areas. Neuro is neurology or the way you’re thinking. Linguistic is the language of which you use, and the Program is the way you program yourself and the results you get. Not only am I a licensed Master NLP practitioner and trainer, I also created my own NAP, which is Neuro-Associative Programming because in NLP, there’s a little limiter that turns out that people take things out of context.

fine to fab: 7 Secrets of a Successful Woman’s Journey Away from Depression, Disordered Eating & Self Sabotage
When you study hypnosis, which I also studied with Milton Erickson, not when he was alive, I’m not that old, but I studied hypnosis with Dr. Bandler. You’ll find that one of the challenges is people deal with gross generalizations, deletions, and distortions. They assume if somebody is this way in this situation, they’re this way all the time, and that’s not true. NAP is Neuro-Associative Programming, realizing that we’re programmed specifically in the context of certain situations, but it doesn’t go across the whole life. You need to learn how to work with people in the situation you’re dealing with, not thinking it’s a generalization that if they behave this way now, that they’re going to behave this way in this situation. We need to understand how it’s working.
I want to dive into the seven secrets, if you don’t mind. I have a feeling that some of the questions I have are going to probably be answered within the Seven Secrets of Building Your Business in Today’s Economy. Obviously, it’s crazy times that we live in. Do you mind starting off with number one and I may have some questions along the way?
The Seven Secrets to Building Your Business in Today’s Economy came about because of my own clients. They were saying to me, “Lisa, how did you build every business you start in?” We own four right now. I’m not a serial entrepreneur. It’s 27 years of building business and we pick up new ones as we go. They get picked up based on the need, not us saying, “We’re going to start a business,” but based on the needs of our clients. We see how we can service them. If we can, we will start something new. The Seven Secrets came about because a lot of my clients was like, “How is it that every business you ever started made six figures the first year?” Over 27 years, we’ve had more than one recession. We’re in a recession now in a winter economy.
Since the 1790s, we’ve had 40 recessions in the United States. People keep thinking you can’t build the businesses in certain economies. The truth of the matter is out of the Fortune 500 companies in 2009, there are 100 of them that started in a recession. That is so cool when you realize that because Toll House cookies, General Motors, and Apple computers, all these companies started in a recession, and people think that’s what we’re in now, a winter economy. Think of it as four seasons, winter, spring, summer and fall. In the winter, it’s sparse. We don’t have leaves on the trees. We’re not having tons of fruits for our efforts, yet some of the best companies in the world started in this economy because they saw it as opportunity when other people saw it as a lack. That’s the big piece that we have to look at.
This is not a theory of mine. This was going back and saying, “What is it that I did in every single business to build it to not just six, but we have two that do millions a year?” It’s like 6 and 7-figure businesses. What is it that we did? I looked at it and the first thing is mindset. It’s the 6 inches between your ears. Many people think that, and it has to do with the NLP in a way because people think it has to do with, “I need all the mechanics. I need to know everything. I need all the resources.” You don’t need to know how. You need to know why and what. What is it that you want and why do you want it?
The how always comes. Most people don’t believe that, but it does. I had an idea of starting this because one of my mentors from Tony, Loren Slocum said, “You need to be helping women.” I said, “No. I teach people how to make money.” She goes, “No, you need to help women.” I had already been part of a direct sales company, a million-dollar club earner, top 1% in the world. I’m pretty much retired many years ago. I’m thinking, “No, I don’t need to do anything, Loren.” All of a sudden, I wake up one morning and I come downstairs.
I call my husband Handsome. I said, “Handsome, I’m supposed to save lives.” He goes, “What?” I said, “I don’t know what it looks like. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I promise you, it will be bigger than anything else I’ve ever done.” That’s how FINE to FAB got started. We ended up helping and successful people stop hurting themselves, and men and women, which is pretty exciting. The first is psychology. You need to believe in yourself, believe in your business. If you look at the word ‘believe,’ it’s a three-letter word in the middle of it, what is it?
[bctt tweet=”The lies we tell ourselves is not one that you can prove.” username=””]
Beliefs are the lies we tell ourselves. There’s not one that you can prove, but if you tell yourself that it’s good, you’re right. If you tell yourself it’s bad, you’re right. We need to be aware of what we’re telling ourselves in this economy. Right now, there’s huge opportunity. It’s all psychology. We need also to avoid marketing myopia. What that is, is everyone holding the signs saying, “You’re a specific business,” and you’re like everybody else. If I was holding a sign saying, “I’m a life coach,” you’ll be like, “How are you different than anybody else? Why should I work with you?” That’s marketing myopia. If I say, “I’m a business coach,” I get, “How are you different?” You need to stop selling the product and sell the solution. When we do that, it changes everything.
Any suggestions around mindset? Especially the crazy times right now, a lot of blame, a lot of people feeling like they’re the victim. What are a couple of things that they can do to help get on every path of mindset?
The first thing is to ask yourself better questions. Here’s the thing. If we’re asking ourselves unresourceful questions, we’re going to get unresourceful answers. Ask yourself better questions instead of, what’s wrong with this, or why can’t this work, or why isn’t this working? What if we asked ourself the question, what’s good about this? I have a client during this economy. She happens to be a Transformative Neuro-Reiki. I branded her with the Brand You, Become the Expert, not just a Reiki master or anything else. She says, “Lisa, everybody’s giving it away for free.” I go, “You’re not everyone. You can give something for free, but you can also ask.”
I have a give, ask model. She’s like, “They’re doing it.” I said, “No, this is mindset. Ask better questions. What is it that people need right now that only you can supply to them? What are they willing to pay?” Just because we’re in this pandemic, realize something. Some people are making more money now than they ever made before. The government subsidized them. Businesses are having a hard time getting people back to work because they’re making more money not working than they were working. A friend of mine owns a hair salon and the stylists were so happy they were making more money not working. It was crazy.
There were other businesses. I have another client who owns a bakery. They have the same thing. People didn’t want to come back to work because they’re making more money not working. When people start thinking there’s no money out there, that’s your thinking. Ask, what’s good about this? What’s good about this is there are more people with money. If you’re in the construction industry, people are looking around their house. We started renovating the house because we’re home. We’re looking around, “What do we need to do?” Maybe you want to invest. I invested in Home Depots and Lowe’s, those stocks went up by 46% and 76%.

Grow Your Business: Meet with people and build relationships because those will build your business.
What’s good about this changes your philosophy and what you see in the world. You’re not looking at what’s wrong. You’re looking at what’s right. It changes it. Brenda, who’s a transformed Neuro-Reiki master, who’s telling me there’s no business out there, did $43,000 in sales. When everybody else is saying there’s no business, she’s already done more part-time homeschooling three boys, working fifteen hours a week. She’s already done $119,000 in revenue. She’s on track to do $150,000. In 2019, she only did $96,000. In this economy, part-time. What’s good about this is what we’re looking for. If you ask a better question, you get a better answer.
How about number two? What is the second secret?
Number two is taking massive action. Massive action has everything to do with creating a plan and looking for result-producing activities. What do I mean by that is if I say it’s the Pareto Principle, which is the 80/20 rule, 80% of your business is coming from 20% of your clients? If you think about where you’re spending your time, most people are spending 80% of the time in a wasteful effort, and 20% in productive. I like to make sure it’s reversed. Eighty percent has to be result-producing activities that makes the register ring ka-ching. If you’re not doing things that are making the register ring, then you’re not in a result-producing mode. You’re not taking massive action. How is massive action taken? First through the three Cs, which are Conversations Create Cash. I had gotten that from Angelique who’s amazing. She trademarked it. I thought that was brilliant because to me, if I’m not speaking to somebody, or somebody who has my audience, or somebody who can refer me to somebody, then I am not building a profitable possibility for a business.
Conversations create cash. Too many people are sitting behind a computer like voyeurs, looking around and hoping somebody’s going to find them instead of having the conversations that will create cash. Private messaging, putting emails out, text messaging, phone calls, webinars, one-on-one, Zoom calls, whatever it is. Meet with people and build relationships because those relationships will build your business. It may not be the people we’re even speaking to, but who they know who. That’s where we look at the conversations create cash and result-producing activities. Eighty percent has to be things that will make the register ring.
The other part of that is called automate, delegate and eliminate. Anything that you’ve done 3 or 4 times repetitively that can be automated needs to be automated, taking massive action to make sure we get things off our plate. Delegate it. If it’s under $25 an hour, it’s not your job. I’m assuming you have a business that you’re looking to achieve that it’s going to be making you at least 6, 7, 8-figures. Under $25 an hour is not your job. I do not do laundry. I do not go shopping for food. I do not clean my home. That’s not my job. I would rather pay someone to do it so I can do much stuff that will create more revenue for me. Under $25 an hour is not your job. That means if you’re doing memes on social media, if you’re posting things on Instagram and Facebook and everything, that’s not your job. Get somebody to do it. That’s a big thing for me, delegate.
Eliminate. One of the best things you can do is eliminate. How do you do that? Put a list on your calendar of every single thing you do for a week. I challenge you to do this. This is the best advice I can give you. When you look, circle all the things that you can delegate, all the things you can eliminate, and all the things you can automate, and then look at what’s creating revenue for you. If it’s not creating revenue for you, it’s not your job. Anything else, you make sure you delegate, automate, eliminate. It makes it simple to do that. That’s taking massive action.
[bctt tweet=”Stop selling the product and start selling the solution.” username=””]
Do you mind sharing a couple of things on the automated side that you help your clients with?
Automating is even to the point of emails. We do marketing plans for our clients. We’ll sit there and look up every quarter. From 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarter, find out what’s happening in your avatar’s world and what do you need to do. Automate can be as easy as automating email sequences, automating text messages, automating conversations. All those things can be automated that once you put it into place, you know it comes full, and this is what you have to be promoting, that these emails and CRM tools and other things are doing it for you. Whether it’s the texting and stuff like that, those are all automation.
Even when you create funnels, I have a web development company. My companies are simple. I had been in direct sales for 27 years, 18 years, we have a web development company and we’ve been helping businesses market and bring themselves online through every kind of marketing, social media, anything that they need in that thing, doing funnels and so forth. Ten years in the business, consulting, coaching, specifically getting coaches, entrepreneurs, and business owners online, building their business, getting their voice out. The other one is in NAP Leadership and Coaching Academy. Everything we do is built from the need of the other one and how we built it and continued.
When it comes to automating, anything in that realm of a CRM tool, Customer Relationship Management tool, anything in relationship to things that you have to do repetitively, we automate even to the point of you need a document. I talked to you about it, and I talked to another client about it, and I talked to another client about it. It means it goes on a website. It goes on a membership site. I never have to tell you how to get it again. I’m creating online programs and things like that, but I only have to do it once. I don’t have to repeat it. I’ve been teaching people how to create online programs and signature talks, even automating a talk where people can still opt-in through a funnel and then do the same thing but I don’t have to keep showing up all the time. I’m a big automator.
Number one is mindset. That’s huge. I’m definitely going to buy your books. I’m sure a lot of the FINE to FAB is mindset in there. Number two, taking massive action. How about number three?
Number three is modeling success. It’s not me recreating the wheel. Other People’s Experience, OPE. One of the things I learned from Tony Robbins is he is the best motivator, inspirational person, neuroscience engineer. He’s created NAC, Neuro-Associative Conditioning. He’s masterful at everything he does. I also learned the reason he’s masterful is he modeled other people’s success. His mentor was Jim Rohn, and then he started learning about all the other people he followed. That’s why I went to learn from Jim Rohn, Deepak Chopra, and all these other people and gurus who are saying it, and all the people he talked about, Steve Wynn and Peter Diamandis, all the people I met through the Platinum programs and stuff like that, because other people’s experiences is the shortcut to your success.
Why are you trying to recreate the wheel? If somebody gives you a recipe for a cake and they say, “These are the five ingredients,” and you have water, flour, eggs, sugar and icing. You turn around and you say, “I’m going to make the cake, but I’m not going to make it my way. I’m going to put the eggs, water and flour in. I’m going to put the sugar and icing.” The cake comes out and you go, “I’m going to put the eggs on last.” Why would you put the eggs on last in the cake? You’ll ruin the cake. You take other people’s experience and you learn from them. You do it the way they did that works because you’re going to save years and years of money, time and energy that you can never get back. A huge part is modeling success of other people.

Grow Your Business: If you don’t measure what you are doing, you are prone to repeat the processes that are not working all over again.
A lot of these people have written books. Go on YouTube. Anything else that you suggest, maybe investing into their programs as well if they’re still alive? That’s a lot where you did.
If you have $1.3 million, you can do that because that’s pretty much what I spent so far and I’m still investing. I spent $10,000 for a copywriter. My husband is like, “You spent $10,000 for a copywriter?” You can invest in me and yourself by working with me. As one of my clients, Dr. Terry said, “I wanted to get $0.10 on the dollar.” She would rather work with me, who paid for the dollar and then teach her than having to go to everybody else to learn what they had to do because I’ve pretty much mastered it. One of the things is totally mastering it. If there’s an area that you want to excel in and there’s somebody who can do that, then absolutely I’m a big proponent of learning from the source.
One of the things that I’m very big about is finding people that are doing what you want, not just saying it. That was a big deal for me because when I was teaching as a business and life strategist, I teach entrepreneurs, business owners and coaches how to build 6 and 7-figure businesses. I’m not speaking from theory. I’m not turning around from somebody who hasn’t done it. I had to start at the same place everybody else did with no list, no group, no following, no number one bestseller, no ABC, NBC, CBS. I started at the same place. I had an idea, a big heart, a mission, and I wanted to help people. I had to get out there. The advantage I have is I went to school for marketing advertising. I have a background in Psychology. I’ve been studying human psychology for many years and you can’t sell some things that they’re not buying. You have to find people who are buying, and knowing how to do that as an art. People think it’s an intuitive thing. They don’t understand marketing. When you understand marketing, it becomes easy.
We’re only on number three. How about number four?
Number four has to do with measuring. Measure, monitor, adjusting and control. One of the things is what gets measured gets done. Often people are not measuring what they’re doing. They go out there and they’re spending time going out and connecting with people. We’re measuring what success we got from it. Was there any return on it? Are we measuring the phone calls we’re making? I was trained by Tom Hopkins. He’s sold 365 houses in one year. No one ever beat his record. When I was at MCI, they sent me to learn from him. Years later, I took my husband and a whole team of twenty in my group to be trained by him because he wrote the book Low Profile Selling: Act Like A Lamb…Sell Like A Lion and all the other stuff.
He said, “It takes 29 noes to get a yes.” Every single day. I had a list with 30 lines on it and every time someone said no to me, I’d say, “Thank you.” I’m all excited. They’re like, “Why are you excited about a no?” I’m like, “I’m closer to a yes. I need 29 to get a yes. I’m getting close.” What gets measured gets done. If we don’t measure what we’re doing, what’s working, what’s not working, the same way I said to even look at what you’re doing in your calendar. This time together at a show is written in my calendar, I’ll discern if I’m doing something that’s result producing. If it’s not result-producing, it doesn’t get repeated. That’s where people don’t understand.
You’re over there on social media and this is a normal thing for people. They become voyeurs. Four hours later, their time got lost and they have no idea how they lost it. What gets measured gets done. I know that I limit myself by I’m not the one posting. I have a team of people who do it for me. I show up. I give myself fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the afternoon, and I get out of there. I don’t get lost in the inertia of the scroll of what’s going on with it. Measure everything and also schedule things out. What are you going to do? When are you going to do it? When you put it in the calendar, it makes it happen.
[bctt tweet=”Aim to manage your business to the point that it can run even without you.” username=””]
Number one, mindset. Number two, take a massive action. Three, modeling success. Four, measuring. How about number five?
Five is manage, and managing what you’re doing, managing people growing a business. It’s super important that you don’t try to wear every hat. At the beginning, as an entrepreneur you are, but when you think you’re saving money, you’re costing you money. It’s good to know how to do everything, but it’s more important to manage it. You’ve got to be able to work on your business and not in your business. Being Robert Kiyosaki wrote the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. There’s a difference between entrepreneur and investor, self-employed and the employee. Until you understand how to manage your business so that you can have it run with or without you, that’s super important. I have thirteen employees. I cannot be everything to everyone, and I’m not good at everything. I have to figure out what my superpower is and do that, just like you have to figure out what yours is, and then you get other people to do other things. Find people better than you, and then promote them within so that you have the best of the best company that will help people.
It sounds like a great manager does a great job in the automate, delegate, eliminate as well.
You have to learn to do that. That was a learning for me too. I’m a little bit of a control freak. I like to control things. I had to learn to let go and let people make mistakes. Expect that there will be mistakes and smile through it and say, “Thank you. Thank God I have people that are making mistakes for me because I’m not doing them all myself,” and they’ll get better.
That’s been a learning experience for myself, being able to let go a little bit and to be able to make sure to have trust in other people. It’s definitely been a learning experience on this end. How about number six?
Number six is marketing and innovation. Every single thing you do is marketing and innovation. I always think of the Chipwich when I think of this one. There was nothing different about chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream. Somebody decided to put them together and made a Chipwich. It’s marketing and innovation. There is nothing original out there, but innovation is the only thing that will keep us in business now.

Grow Your Business: Instead of aiming for something original, spend more time on innovation.
How about that as it relates to some of these new businesses that you started? You saw a need and you provided a solution. Do you have maybe an example in your own life and your own business that you’d like to share or one of your clients?
Marketing and innovation, one was even for the Transformative Neuro-Reiki master. She’s a Reiki master. Most people were getting $65 an hour. She averages $300 an hour. What we did is we made her a Transformative Neuro-Reiki master. We had it trademarked because she was trained by me and my associate Miller Barth in NAP, as well as NLP because I can train people in that. She wasn’t just a Reiki master. She knew neuroscience, human psychology, NLP, NAP, energy work. I’m like, “You’re not just a Reiki master. You’re a Transformative Neuro-Reiki master.” We trademarked her that. When we did, we also had her add more value by creating an online program, so she was no longer trading time for money. We created a system around what she did that would be able to have people have true transformation and get results.
Because of that, she is making a 6-figure income working 15 hours a week because it was marketing and innovation. Another thing from marketing and innovation as well was NAP leadership and coaching Academy. I was already trained as a Master NLP practitioner and trainer. I knew that, but my associate and I created NAP at what we saw as a need. We had been studying human psychology. We went back to the 1600s with Jeremy Bentham who said, “People will do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure.” I always thought that was Tony Robbins until I found out it was Jeremy Bentham. Tony just reinvented it. I said, “That’s what they do.” We studied Milton Erickson and all these other great masters that preceded us, and Dr. Virginia Satir, who taught Dr. Bandler and Dr. Grinder, and all these other people. We said, “What is it out there?” We created our own NAP. That was marketing and innovation. We built a very big, profitable, multi-six figure income out of that alone by innovating into something new.
What’s your sweet spot with that? Is it teaching other people on NAP or is it applying that and helping businesses change?
The sweet spot ended up being for my innovation as far as what Lisa Lieberman-Wang does as a business and life strategist is that one thing no one ever did is what I decided I needed to do. I have learned from the best of the best, from the masters out there, totally invested in everything. What I never got from any of them was a handheld experience to tell me if I got it right. I’d go and I’d learn from this. I learned from you and the next one. I’d go to apply it, but I didn’t know if I got it. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t. I said, “That’s great, but do you know what people need more than anything else and what I needed? It’s hold my hand.” I need it when somebody says, “Here’s a signature talk that sells and you need to have an opening heart story. You need to have this and this.” How do I know if I got it right?
I know for a fact because I’ve already seen over 100 people opening our stories that 99% of them get it wrong. Even though I give them the full script, put this here, this and this like fill in the blank, they still get it wrong because they make themselves the hero of the story. They cannot be. They have to be the guide. The customer has to be the hero. They don’t understand the dynamics, even when you tell them. My differentiator is not only do I teach you when my Platinum and Elite clients work with me, I go through their work. I wordsmith their work. I change what they’re doing. I give them feedback because here’s what it is. If you don’t get feedback, you’re thinking, “I don’t know why it’s not working.” It’s because you made it all about you and not them. You didn’t have a call to action. How did you need them in? You’re asking, but you never gave them anything. All these things, people don’t realize. They think they’re following it, but they’re not. They’re putting the eggs on last.
It’s a signature talk. There’s a process to that in helping tell your story.
[bctt tweet=”Put yourself in environments with aspiring people because that will lift you higher.” username=””]
It’s part of it. I created a program called Mastery to Millions. It is the Seven Secrets You Must Know to Build Your Business In Today’s Economy. That is my program. Mastery To Millions. You’re one conversation away, whether it’s a conversation with meeting someone new, with a sensational soundbite, whether it’s a conversation with a talk, whether it’s a conversation with a podcast, whether it’s a follow-up call. What I have is a million-dollar script that enrolls people into tier program. Anything you do are conversations. I teach people how to have conversations that create cash and make the register ring ka-ching.
Where can we go for that?
You can go to LisaLiebermanWang.com. I am the only Jewish-Chinese woman with that name. You can totally find me there. You can also get BrandYouBecomeTheExpert.com. You can get it for free. You just cover the shipping. I’ll give you the book for free. I’ve got extra bonuses there when you go there. You’re welcome to get that as well. If you’re reading this, you are excited, and you want to build your business, I have something free coming out. It’s a free workshop teaching you a signature talk that sells. If you go to Workshop.MasteryToMillions.com, you can sign up for free.
For five days during your lunch hour, I’m going to teach you how to craft a signature talk. At the end of the five days, you’re going to have one. I’m going to tell you how you can work with me as well. Being here, if you are serious and not a tire kicker, and you want to take your business to multiple 6 and 7-figures, the way to reach me is to go to CallWithLisa.com. That’s my calendar. You fill out an application. If I think I can help you, then I’ll be happy to have a call with you. If not, you won’t. It’s simple.
It’s like you’ve been modeling success because I purchased Call With Curtis not too long ago. Somebody must have seen your domain name. That is awesome. That is great. I know that we went down a little bit of rabbit hole, but that was a great one. Number six was marketing and innovation. Do you mind sharing number seven?
Number seven is mastermind. One of the things for my success is totally keeping myself connected with other people. Masterminding has been important. I always say, “If you’re the smartest one in the room, then you’re in trouble. You need to be finding other people that know more than you.” In my environment for my clients, especially my elite coaching, it’s an elite mastermind group where they’re combined with ten other people. They’re not just learning for themselves, but they’re masterminding in each other’s businesses. You get different perspectives. Things come up you never would’ve thought of before. I’ve been masterminding with my Platinum Partners from the Tony world for decades now. I’ve been masterminding with the Tony Robbins Trainer Senior Leader Community for 27 years. Always put yourself in a room elevating to people that are aspiring for more of what you want. When you do, magic truly happens.
I remember when I started out, I would’ve been happy to make a six-figure income. Had I not put myself in a peer group that was making 7, 8, 9 figures, I would never have even thought I could. It’s important to put yourself in environments with those aspiring for what you want, because they lift you higher. That’s what I found. When building businesses the way we have, it’s been quite amazing that I attribute it to the people I hang around with. I never want to be the smartest one in the room. Sometimes I am and it scares me. I’m like, “I need another room.”

Grow Your Business: Make the people you’re working for as important as yourself, but take care of yourself, too.
Those are some awesome seven secrets right there. I’ve heard bits and pieces of some of them. For you tying it and bring it all together, I am definitely going to be going to the website. Everybody that is reading this should be going there as well. I want to ask you a question, what lights you on fire outside of work and inside of work?
What lights me on fire more than anything else is seeing my clients successful. That is to me the greatest gift I can have. My mission in life is to touch more lives than Oprah by helping people who help others. I feel like every single soul I get to help, them helping others is doing the work I want. It’s making that trickle effect of changing the world. I feel that if Dr. Turner didn’t introduce me to Tony Robbins years ago, I didn’t know who he was. I was totally hurting myself. She said, “Tony Robbins doing a firewalk.” I was like, “Who’s Tony Robbins and what’s a firewalk?”
Had she not done that, I never would’ve changed my life. I was honestly suicidal. I was attacked on a date at 16, I was attacked by an employer at 18, and an associate at 19. I had more reasons for not wanting to be here. When I was given the gift of seeing a different way of understanding what had happened and how to change it for other people, so they don’t have the same trajectory for their life of going down the wrong path. I felt like that was what I’m supposed to be doing. Lighting up is helping people. That’s what helps.
I know a lot of times people say, “It’s fun to be immersed in what you’re passionate about.” Hopefully, that ignites your purpose. Something that’s bigger than you that you’re striving towards. What’s awesome is you find your purpose, passion and work all in one, which is very rare.
Had it not been the people I surrounded myself with, whether it be Dr. Turner or Loren or Tony Robbins and all these other people, that never would’ve happened. I feel blessed that it did.
I knew that this was going to be an amazing episode and you over-delivered my expectations for sure. Thank you so much for hopping on. Any parting thoughts, anything that you would like to leave our readers with?
This was going around business, and yet what my heart wants to say is always remember to FLY. FLY stands for First Love Yourself. When you come from that place, it’s a whole different trajectory of your business. Make the people you’re working for as important as yourself, but make sure you take care of yourself too. I want to say stop selling shovels. I’m going to explain what I mean by that. A lot of people are selling shovels. They’re saying, “Do you want to buy my shovel?” If it’s 80 degrees outside, nobody wants to buy your shovel.
If you turn around and there are 4 feet of snow outside, people are trying to get out of their door and they can’t get out, you say, “Do you want to buy my shovel?” They’re going to say yes. Start finding out what people need and stop selling your product. Sell the solution, make the difference. No more sell, just tell. Stories sell people. Facts tell and you’ll see you’re going to grow an amazing business, change lives, help people. I look forward to having that opportunity to help you. Go to LisaLiebermanWang.com, go to Call With Lisa, set up a call, and I’ll be happy to help you build your dream too.
Thank you so much. You’re a rockstar and there was so much value here. I appreciate you so much for hopping on. We’re going to have to get you on again at some point in the future. Thank you so much.
Important Links:
- Low Profile Selling: Act Like A Lamb…Sell Like A Lion
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Workshop.MasteryToMillions.com
- CallWithLisa.com
- https://www.BrandYouBecomeTheExpert.com/
- https://www.LisaLiebermanWang.com/
- https://Bit.ly/MasterytoSell
- https://www.Facebook.com/lisaliebermanwang
- https://www.Instagram.com/lisaliebermanwang/
- https://www.LinkedIn.com/in/lisaliebermanwang/
About Lisa Lieberman-Wang
Lisa is a #1 Bestselling International Author of the book Brand You Become the Expert & F.I.N.E. to FAB. She is the Co-Creator of the cutting-edge neuroscience N.A.P., Neuro Associative Programming™ (NAP), a Licensed Master NLP Practitioner and Trainer. Always in high demand seen by millions on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, MSN, Huffington Post, CW, and TEDx.
As a business owner, creating a profitable business is critical. When sales are down, it’s almost impossible to focus on anything else, yet a lot of people do. Lisa helps entrepreneurs, business owners and corporations take actionable steps to generate more revenue. She implements proven marketing strategies to create a successful and thriving business.
Lisa’s done over $60 million in personal sales in her career and has led countless professionals to multi-million-dollar businesses including her own organization to $100 million in sales.
As a professional speaker and entrepreneur, she has trained over 125,000 people around the world through her live seminars in leadership, sales, and marketing.